Friday, July 17, 2009

Anatomy of Human eye

Take a look around the room that you are in. Notice how the various images and colors that you see update constantly as you turn your head and re-direct your attention. Although the images appear to be seamless, each blending imperceptibly into the next, they are in reality being updated almost continuously by the vision apparatus of your eyes and brain. The seamless quality in the images that you see is possible because human vision updates images, including the details of motion and color, on a time scale so rapid that a "break in the action" is almost never perceived. The range of color, the perception of seamless motion, the contrast and the quality, along with the minute details, that most people can perceive make "real-life" images clearer and more detailed than any seen on a television or movie screen. The efficiency and completeness of your eyes and brain is unparalleled in comparison with any piece of apparatus or instrumentation ever invented. We know this amazing function of the eyes and brain as the sense of vision.

Eye Anatomy and Function

Human anatomy has been studied since ancient times. For over 1400 years our understanding of anatomy was based on theories of the Greek physician, galen of Pergamum (130-200 AD). However an accurate and comprehensive understanding of human anatomy was delayed until the Renaissance period, primarily because dissections and autopsies were forbidden by most religions. One of the first systematic studies of human anatomy which involved actual examination and dissection of the human body, was carried out by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). As a result of his extensive work, many of the previous misconceptions of Galenic medicine were corrected. The accumulated research of scientists over many hundreds of years has led to an excellent understanding of human anatomy

A sketch of the anatomical components of the human eye, as we now know it, is shown in Figure 1. The main structures are the iris, lens, pupil, cornea, retina, vitreous humor, optic disk and optic nerve. A discussion of the role of each component will not be presented here. These details are covered in most high school biology books and even in many sites on the World Wide Web. For example, try "the eye" Instead, we will examine the growth of the understanding of the eye's function.
A realistic understanding of the function of the components of the eye began around the 17th century, after the gross anatomy of the eye had been firmly established. It was realized in the 17th century that the retina, not the cornea as was previously thought, was responsible for the detection of light. Johannes Kepler of Germany and Renee Descartes of France, both prominent physicists of their time, made many advances in understanding vision. Much of their work applied the physical concepts of light rays and geometric optics to the vision process. Kepler first proposed that the lens of the eye focuses images onto the retina.

A few decades later Descartes demonstrated that Kepler was correct. In a landmark experiment, Descartes surgically removed an eye from an ox and scraped the back of the eye to make it transparent. He then placed the eye on a window ledge as if the ox were looking out of the window.

He looked at the back of the
eye he and saw an inverted image of the scenery outside! Descartes correctly postulated that the image was inverted as a result of being focused onto the retina by the eye's lens.
Around the beginning of the 19th century Thomas Young, a prominent physicist and physician, carried out a number of studies on the eye that resulted in an understanding of how the lens focuses images onto the retina. He also showed that astigmatism results from an improperly curved cornea. We now understand that a number of vision disorders, including both near- and far-sightedness, also result from an improperly curved cornea. The lenses in eyeglasses function by correcting for the improper corneal curve.
We now know the basic function of the components of the human eye and how they participate in the vision process. Light that reflects off of objects around us is imaged onto the retina by the lens. The retina, which consists of three layers of neurons (photoreceptor, bipolar and ganglion) is responsible for detecting the light from these images and then causing impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic nerve. The brain decodes these images into information that we know as

all parts of the eye

The eye is made up of three distinct layers around a fluid filled central cavity. The outer layer, the .sclera (the white and cornea), is a protective layer.

The sclera can be affected by episcleritis, which involves the white of the eye, or keratopathy, which affects the cornea. The inner layer, the retina, is the sensory part of the eye, used to collect light.
The central layer, the uvea, is the vascular layer. It has three parts: the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid. It is in these three parts of the uvea that most IBD related inflammatory conditions occur. Collectively, these conditions are known as Uveitis.

A doctor sutures up after retinal repair work in 1992 in the United States. It is widely believed that sight is the most complex of the five senses. It is also often thought to be our most valued, so much so that scientists are engaged in a constant endeavor to fully understand sight so that they may better fight the seemingly endless battle against blindness.


eye surgory

Human eye and orbital anatomy, superior view


Trachoma, also called granular conjunctivitis or Egyptian ophthalmia, is a contagious, chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is characterized by swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, and eventual scarring of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye Trachoma is a disease associated with poverty and unhygienic conditions. It is most common in hot, dry, dusty climates in the developing world where water isscarce and sanitation is poor. Trachoma is the most common infectious cause of blindness in the world. It has two stages. The first stage is active infection of the conjunctiva by the bacterium C. trachomatis. The conjunctiva is the clear mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and covers the white part (sclera) of the eye. This stage is highly contagious.

TAcquiring trachoma does not provide immunity against re-infection, so repeat infections are the norm in many communities where the disease circulates continuously among family members. The frequency of active infection peaks in children ages three to five. In some communities, as many as 90 percent of children under age five are actively he second stage involves damage to the cornea, the transparent covering of the front of the eye. After repeated infections, the eyelids swell and the eyelashes begin to turn inward so that they scratch the cornea every time the individual blinks. This scratching is painful, and it scars the cornea, eventually resulting in the cornea becoming opaque. Individuals are often blind by middle age. Repeated, extended, untreated periods of infection are required for blindness to occur. An occasional, treated infection does not result in blindness.

The key for the various tissues:1. Cornea- composed of 5 layers, epithelium, Bowman's layer, stroma (the thickest portion), Descemet's membrane and the endothelium.2. Lens- composed of an anterior lens capsule, epithelium, cortex nucleus and posterior capsule.3. Iris- the white stroma is sandwiched between the light brown anterior border layer and the dark brown posterior pigmented layers
4. Sclera- the white tunic protects the inner structures. Thinnest over the insertion of the rectus muscles, the sclera is prone to rupture at this site from trauma.5. Macula (fovea just below the number). This is the area of central and color vision. Acuity is greatest in this region.6. Optic Nerve Head (notice the adjacent retinal blood vessels).7. Retinal vessels supply most of the retina. Choroidal vessels supply the photoreceptors and the underlying choroid.8. Vortex Veins drain the choroid and as indicated, the coalescence of orange vessels that form a whorled appearance.More detailed information can be found in our links.

cross cut of the human eye

As shown in the photograph above- the vitreous base is pigmented. The gross-dark pigmentation begins on the anterior border of the vitreous base (VB).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anatomy of the Human Heart

About the heart:

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the human body. Located almost in the center of the chest, the adult human heart is about the size of two fists held side-by-side.

At an average rate of 80 times a minute, the heart beats about 115,000 times in one day or 42 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 3 billion times - pumping an amount of blood that equals about 1 million barrels. Even when a person is at rest, the heart continuously works hard.

How the heart works:

The cardiovascular system, composed of the heart and blood vessels, is responsible for circulating blood throughout your body to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

* The atria receive blood coming back to the heart.
* The ventricles pump the blood out of the heart.

Blood vessels, which compose a network of arteries and veins that carry blood throughout the body.

* Arteries transport blood from the heart to the body tissues.
* Veins carry blood back to the heart.

Four valves to prevent backward flow of blood.

* Each valve is designed to allow the forward flow of blood and prevent backward flow.

An electrical system of the heart that stimulates contraction of the heart muscle.

The human heart consists of four chambers as seen in the picture above. They are the right atrium, left atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle. The blood enters the heart from the superior and inferior vena cava into the right atrium. Then it goes to the right ventricle and is them pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. Once purified it comes back via the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. It then fills the left ventricle below as it flows down through the mitral valve. The blood is now ready to flow back to the entire body. It does so, by entering the aorta under a pressure of about 120 mmHg (16KPa) systolic pressure as the left ventricle contracts, along with other chambers of heart.

Anatomy of the Human Heart

Blood is kept moving along its circular route by the pumping action of the heart. The heart consists of four chambers. The upper two chambers are the right and left atria. The right and left atria are thin-walled sacs, which receive blood from the body and the lungs, respectively. In both atria the upper half of their inside wall is smooth and forms the sinuses of the great veins that empty into it. The lower half of the inside surfaces of the atria is very rough.

The lower two chambers of the heart are the right and left ventricles. The ventricles have thick walls made up of cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is also present in the walls of the atria. This specialized type of muscle tissue is found only in the heart; its fibers branch in such a way that when they all contract, they squeeze the heart chamber and force blood out of it. The inner surfaces of both ventricles are covered with ridges called trabeculae. Irregular muscle bundles called papillary muscles give rise to chords which anchor the heart valves. Both the trabeculae and the papillary muscles make the inside walls of the ventricles very rough.

In humans, the chambers of the atria are joined to their adjacent ventricles by valves. The tricuspid valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle and the bicuspid valve lies between the left atrium and left ventricle. There are also valves between the ventricular chambers and the great arteries which they feed. The pulmonary valve lies between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. The aortic valve lies between the left ventricle and the aorta. The valves prevent blood from being forced back into the chamber from which it was expelled, and thus keep the blood flowing in one direction.

The right atrium and ventricle receive oxygen-poor blood from the body and send it to the lungs; they are therefore considered the pulmonary side of the heart. The left atrium and ventricle receive oxygenated blood from the lungs and pump it back into the body; they are therefore considered the systemic side of the heart.

The pacemaker of the heart (SA node) is located in the upper right atrium near the opening of the vena cava. The pacemaker sets the normal rhythmic beat of the heart by coordinating the contractions of the heart chambers. The pacemaker first sends a signal along specialized cardiac muscle fibers in the walls of both atria to make them contract simultaneously. The signals then converge on another bundle of specialized cardiac muscle fibers, the atrioventricular node (AV node) located in the wall separating the two ventricles. The AV node sends the signal on to the walls of the ventricles to make them contract simultaneously.

human heart diagram valves

Jamnagar (Gujarat), Dec.27: A 22-year-old man in Gujarat’s Jamanagar District has been living with an unusual human anatomy since his birth. His heart lies slightly on the right side of his chest instead of left side as it is in the normal case.

Residing in Mithapur, Dilip Sadiya never knew why the palpitation of the heart used to come from the right side of his body until he learnt at a hospital recently.

"I have never fallen ill all these years. Just that some days back, I was seriously ill, and had to be admitted to hospital. That’s when doctors told me that my heart is on right side of my body. I was actually very surprised, since I had no clue about it since my birth," said Dilip Sadiya.

He is presently pursing Bachelor of Arts degree and claims to have been hale and hearty.

According to physiologists, it’s called Dextrocardia, an instance of the heart being situated on the right side of the body.

In such a case, the heart is 'flipped over' so that the structures that are normally on the right side of the chest are on the left, and vice versa. Yet the arteries and veins are connected in the internal network of circulation of blood. Doctors state that this occurs due to an abnormality in the development of heart during pregnancy.

Doctors believe that this sort of anatomy is found in one among 130,000 persons, though it doesn't have any significant affect on health.

"I examined Mr. Dilip on December 20. He is suffering from Dextrocardia. It is called Situs Inversus. It is one of the congenital anomalies. It is rare. But patient is having no complain and he can live a simple life," said Dr. Ray Mangia.

Dilip's parents view this rare placement of heart as God's unique creation bestowed upon their son which makes him stand apart. (ANI)

human heart

Human heart with coronary arteries


graphics picture of the human heart

drawing of the health based human heart

Drawing of the coronary arterial circulation in the human heart. The normal human hears does not typically elicit collateralization; each area of myocardium is usually supplied by a single coronary artery. Ao = aorta; LAD = left anterior descending artery; LCx = left circumflex artery; PA = pulmonary artery; RCA = right coronary artery.

Biological diagram of the heart

Anatomical picture of the human heart.

3D-image anaglyph human heart

Human Heart